Accessible Customer Services - Ontario -

Accessible Customer Services – Ontario

SAVM is committed to provide excellent service to all customers, including people with disabilities.


The Ontario Regulation 429/07 entitled Accessibility Standards for Customer Service pursuant to the Act on accessibility for people with disabilities in Ontario (AODA). This Regulation aims to articulate, to implement and enforce accessibility standards so that disabled people of Ontario will have access to goods and services according to the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equal opportunities.

This regulation applies to all designated public sector organization and any other person or organization that provides goods or services to members of the public or other third parties and has at least one employee in Ontario.


SAVM operates a host service for distinguished visitors at Toronto L.B. Pearson International Airport and Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport.

At the Toronto airport, our company has no premises and our employees perform their duties within the public and the restricted areas of the terminal building. We are therefore dependent on the Accessibility Standards for Customer Services of the airport operator which is the Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA). We are also dependant on their security control and access policies.

Regarding the Ottawa airport, we also perform our duties in the public areas and restricted areas of the terminal building of the airport as well as in a premises belonging to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are also dependent on the Accessibility Standards for Customer Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Accessibility Standards for Customer Services of the airport operator which is the Ottawa International Airport Authority. We must also comply with their security control and access policies.

Nevertheless SAVM has developed its own Accessibility Standards for Customer Services and we are committed to ensure that all services provided to our customers are in conformity with the Ontario Regulation 429/07.

Assistive devices

We will ensure that our staffs is trained and familiar with various assistive devices we have at the airport or that we provide that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our services

If to our knowledge any assistive device is not available, we will inform our customers and we will make all effort possible to find an alternative to make sure that our services remain accessible.


We will communicate with people with disabilities, taking into account their disability.

Service animals

We welcome people with disabilities accompanied by their service animals. They are allowed in parts of the premises that are open to the public or third parties subject to the policies and access control of the airport operator.

Support persons

A disabled person accompanied by a support person will be allowed to use their support person on the premises of the organization subject to the policies and access control of the airport operator.


SAVM is providing training to his employees who deal with the public.

Persons occupying the following positions will be trained: Director, Coordinator and Home Agent

This training will be provided to staff within one month after recruitment

The training will cover the following:
• An overview of the 2005 Law on accessibility for people with disabilities in Ontario and requirements of the customer service;
• Plan customer service accessible SAVM;
• how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
• how to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require a service animal or a support person;
• what to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing services SAVM.
• Staff will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes in our plan customer service available.

Feedback process

Customers who wish to provide feedback and comments on how SAVM provides services to people with disabilities can do so by email to the following address

Feedback and complaints will be handled by the Director General of SAVM. Customers should receive a response back after 15 days.

Customers wishing to obtain a copy of our service plan available to the customer can be requested by email at the following address

Changes to this policy or other policies

Any policy that does not respect SAVM does not promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or deleted.